- Identify ways in which you can compete with local, existing car wash and cleaning companies. For example, if your city lacks mobile car cleaning services, you could do well to start one. Target busy office buildings with expensive parking lots where you can get more than one client in the same locale, saving you time, gas and vehicle maintenance costs. Get clearance from the property managers first. Or focus on wealthy neighborhoods. Another option is to target local businesses, such as dealerships, taxi companies, car rental agencies or funeral parlors, to regularly clean and maintain their fleet. Create a business plan to help guide you through the process and ensure that your business model can compete.
2. Attend an auto detailing training course or volunteer in local car wash place to learn proper cleaning techniques and care for vinyl, plastic, leather and chrome, as well as the difference between polishes and waxes, and carpet cleaning techniques. Learn how to touch up paint, remove swirls, scratches, oxidation, fading and overspray and repair dents. It may behoove you to undergo training in windshield repair, headlight restoration and other car repair services, depending on the scope of your small business.
3. Purchase a commercial van or truck with trailer. Then contact your current insurance provider about purchasing a commercial auto insurance policy and general business liability coverage. If your insurance provider doesn’t offer business coverage, they can connect you with someone who can. Your bank in which you establish your business account may also be able to connect you to a reputable provider. Include on your van the fact that you are licensed and insured.
4. Purchase your equipment. Your mobile car cleaning business will need a pressure washer, air compressor, water tank and generator. You’ll also need a commercial vacuum cleaner, cleaning products, polishes, waxes, carpet cleaning, air fresheners, cloths, brushes and polishers.
5. Hire and train a reliable staff. If you intend to service businesses, you’ll need enough qualified manpower to ensure that you can complete the job in the time allotted.
7. Register as a Tuko Service provider and get a free website for your business that details your training and services. Include helpful tips on interior and exterior car maintenance. Then contact hotels, limousine companies, taxi companies, dealerships and rental cars to pitch your services.